Coming Up...

Team Live-ade - The Club Soda Production Team!

Monday 25 November 2013

Session 6, 7 & 8...

Session 8: 11.11.13 - Members present Sammy, Chris, Terry and Collins.

Session 7: 04.11.13 - Members present Sammy, Collins and Chris.

“Being part of Team Live-ade allows me to put all my technical know how to the test and put on good events"
- Chris

“I think I'm being more patient and giving others a chance to speak. We have lots of new ideas. People listen to my ideas and understand my ideas"
- Sammy

Session 6: 21.10.13 - Members present Terry, Chris and Sammy.

Photos by Sheena

Soda Beat - 14.10.13

Merchandise stall

The Carbonators
2 Decks
Slushy Guts
The Carbonators
Dressing up and posing for Halloween!
The Fish Police
Chris on the tech
Joe compering
The Carbonators

Photos by Sheena

Monday 14 October 2013

Session 5...

Session 5: 07.10.13 - Members present Sammy and Chris.

"We've been talking about our event 'Soda Beat' next week and discussing our individual roles within Club Soda"
- Chris & Sammy

"I'm looking forward to helping the bands play some extremely loud sounds!"
- Chris

"I can't wait for people to spend money on my stall!"
- Sammy

Photos by Sheena

Monday 7 October 2013

What we've been up to!

Session 4: 30.09.13 - Members present Joe and Sammy.

Hey guys! Team Live-ade here!

Today we have been discussing what our new logo should look like, but we couldn't decide because two of our team members aren't here tonight.
We've also been talking about Joe compering at the Soda Beat event here at Matthews Yard!
On that night we will be selling Club Soda mugs and T-shirts.
Hope to see you there on 14th October!

- Joe and Sammy

Photos by Sheena

Team Live-ade sessions..

 Session 2: 16.09.13 - Members present Chris, Terry, Sammy and Joe.

"We tried to get a bit creative with documenting who was part of our session tonight!"
- Sheena

Session 3: 23.09.13 - Members present Joe, Terry, Sammy and Chris.

All photos by Sheena

Monday 30 September 2013

Our first blog post!!

Photo by Sheena

Session 1: 09.09.13 - Members present Joe, Chris and Sammy.

"Club Soda is one of the best Clubs around in Croydon and everyone who works there is really talented and we all have a great time!"
- Joe

"Team Live-ade is a close-knit family who like to have a good time"
- Chris

"Team Live-ade is a good group to be in because we can talk about our ideas - big or small - we can still do it and it's fun to be part of it"
- Sammy