Coming Up...

Team Live-ade - The Club Soda Production Team!

Monday 25 November 2013

Session 6, 7 & 8...

Session 8: 11.11.13 - Members present Sammy, Chris, Terry and Collins.

Session 7: 04.11.13 - Members present Sammy, Collins and Chris.

“Being part of Team Live-ade allows me to put all my technical know how to the test and put on good events"
- Chris

“I think I'm being more patient and giving others a chance to speak. We have lots of new ideas. People listen to my ideas and understand my ideas"
- Sammy

Session 6: 21.10.13 - Members present Terry, Chris and Sammy.

Photos by Sheena

Soda Beat - 14.10.13

Merchandise stall

The Carbonators
2 Decks
Slushy Guts
The Carbonators
Dressing up and posing for Halloween!
The Fish Police
Chris on the tech
Joe compering
The Carbonators

Photos by Sheena